
SerialPort-GSM is a simplified plugin for communicating with gsm modems. (Primarily for sms) (Focused in PDU mode)

Project maintained by zabsalahid Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Node SerialPort-GSM



SerialPort-GSM is a simplified plugin for communicating with gsm modems, primarily for sms. (This library is focused in 'PDU' mode)

Table of Contents

Installation Instructions

npm install serialport-gsm


A full example can be found in the example directory.



List Available Ports

let serialportgsm = require('serialport-gsm')

serialportgsm.list((err, result) => {

Opening a Port

Call other functions after the port has been opened. open(path, options, callback) When opening a serial port, specify (in this order)

  1. Path to Serial Port - required.
  2. Options (see sample options on code).

SerialPort openOptions

| Name | Type | Default | Description | | ——————— | ————- | ———– | ———– | | baudRate | number | 9600 | The port’s baudRate. | | dataBits | number | 8 | Must be one of: 8, 7, 6, or 5. | | stopBits | number | 1 | Must be one of: 1 or 2. | | highWaterMark | number | 16384 | The size of the read and write buffers defaults to 16k. | | parity | string | “none | Must be one of: ‘none’, ‘even’, ‘mark’, ‘odd’, ‘space’. | | rtscts | boolean | false | flow control setting | | xon | boolean | false | flow control setting | | xoff | boolean | false | flow control setting | | xany | boolean | false | flow control settings |

SerialPort-GSM additional openOptions

| Name | Type | Default | Description | | ———————- | ————- | ———– | ———– | | autoDeleteOnReceive | boolean | false | Delete from 'sim' after receiving. | | enableConcatenation | boolean | false | Receive concatenated messages as one. | | incomingCallIndication | boolean | false | Receive 'onNewIncomingCall' event when receiving calls. | | incomingSMSIndication | boolean | true | Enables the modem to notify that a new SMS message has been received. | | pin | string | | If your SIM card is protected by a PIN provide the PIN as String and it will be used to unlock the SIM card during initialization (empty, means “no PIN existing on the SIM card”). | | customInitCommand | string | | If your device needs a custom initialization command it can be provided and will be used after PIN check. The command is expected to return 'OK' (empty, means “no custom command for init”). | | cnmiCommand | string | ‘AT+CNMI=2,1,0,2,1’ | Defines if messages are saved on SIM or delivered directly | logger | | | Provide a logger instance, currently 'debug' is used only to output written and received serial data. Use 'console' for debugging purposes. |

let serialportgsm = require('serialport-gsm')
let modem = serialportgsm.Modem()
let options = {
    baudRate: 115200,
    dataBits: 8,
    stopBits: 1,
    parity: 'none',
    rtscts: false,
    xon: false,
    xoff: false,
    xany: false,
    autoDeleteOnReceive: true,
    enableConcatenation: true,
    incomingCallIndication: true,
    incomingSMSIndication: true,
    pin: '',
    customInitCommand: '',
    cnmiCommand: 'AT+CNMI=2,1,0,2,1',
    logger: console
}'COM', options, callback[Optional])

Initialize Modem

This function starts the modem. (If your port fails to work or does not respond to commands, don’t forget to call initializeModem after opening the port.)

modem.on('open', data => {

Close Modem

Closes an open connection close(callback[optional])


Set Modem Mode

setModemMode(callback, type)

Check Modem Communication

Send simple command to check communication with device


Send Message

Sends sms. sendSMS(recipient, message, alert, callback)

Name Type Default Description
recipient string   The recipient number should start with the location code or '+' then the location code (Ex. '63999XXXXX19', '+63999XXXXX19' ).
message string   The text message to send.
alert boolean false Enable to send as class 0 message (flash message), or Disable to send as a normal sms.
callback [function]   The callback is called twice. First time when queued for sending and second time when message was really send out.
modem.sendSMS('63999XXXXX19', 'Hello there Zab!', true, callback)

Get Sim Inbox

Shows messages of sim inbox


Delete Sim Message

Delete a sim message by message object (Use Sim Inbox data)

modem.deleteMessage(messageObj, callback)

Delete All Sim Messages


Get Modem Serial


Get Network Signal


Get Own Number


Set Own Number

setOwnNumber('number', callback, name[optional || default 'OwnNumber'])

modem.setOwnNumber(number, callback)

Hangup Call


Execute AT Command

For executing a complex custom command with multi-line responses, you need your own parsing logic - see examples

modem.executeCommand(command, callback, priority, timeout)

Other Usage



modem.on('open', result => { /*do something*/ })


modem.on('close', result => { /*do something*/ })


modem.on('error', result => { /*do something*/ })


modem.on('onSendingMessage', result => { status, request, data })


modem.on('onNewMessage', messageDetails)

onNewMessage Indicator

modem.on('onNewMessageIndicator', result => { sender, timeSent })


modem.on('onNewIncomingCall', result => { number, numberScheme })


modem.on('onMemoryFull', result => { status, data })


When errors are returned and the error originated from the device, then in the error message, an error code should be listed, e.g. “+CMS ERROR: 500”. An (incomplete) list of possible error codes and their meanings can be found e.g. at


Access base serialport. Please refer to SerialPort Docs for documentation

let serialportgsm = require('serialport-gsm')
let serialport = serialportgsm.serialport

Access modem serialport.



Thanks goes to these wonderful people who contributed a lot in this project:

Made with contributors-img.


SerialPort-GSM is MIT licensed and all it’s dependencies are MIT or BSD licensed.